Ford Fiesta Zetec-S Midge’s Mk5
Finally I’ve had a day all to myself in the FC workshop, just one day mind but I suppose it’s better than nowt and I did manage to get a couple of jobs done including getting the dash prepped and dropped off at Get Flocked and fitting my sweet new Avo coilovers.
Ford Fiesta Zetec-S Midge’s Mk5
Now, I have to say, when I originally built the car in 2001 I wanted coilovers so bad it almost gave me piles but they were rolling out at about 2-grand a set and I just couldn’t warrant it. Nowadays though they come in at a fraction of the cost and these race-ready GTZ units from Avo are a hell of a lotta mod for the money at just 550-notes.
Ford Fiesta Zetec-S Midge’s Mk5
Being lucky enough to have a workshop with ramps and a fully qualified modest mechanic, (who didn’t actually help) they only took a couple of hours to fit too.
Ford Fiesta Zetec-S Midge’s Mk5
Admittedly I haven’t set up the ride height properly yet because I’ll be searching for some new motorsport-esq rims soon but, even so, after a quick test drive it’s easy to see there’s been a massive transformation in the handling. Ring-road Touring Cars here I come!

Avo GTZ  Coilovers


See more of Midge’s Mk5 Ford Fiesta Zetec-S build